Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spidey Senses Tingling?

Check out this article we found on U.S. News and World Report

'Gut Instinct' May Stem From the Heart
U.S. News & World Report

Everyone feels gut instincts at one time or another: Marry that guy! Don't take that job. Stay inside during this snowstorm! Now, a new study suggests there is indeed a link between your heartbeat and the decisions you make. "These findings can help explain how we make key choices in life -- for example, which house to buy, which job to go for -- for better or for worse," explained study author Barnaby D. Dunn, a clinical psychologist who works with the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, England. The findings don't indicate that your heart is very good at giving you insight into what to do. And the research doesn't point to any particular way to get better at decision making.

Still, the study does manage to find evidence that there's something to the idea of trusting your heart. This link between gut feelings and intuitive decision making was stronger in people who were more aware of their own heartbeat." What's the connection between the heart and brain? The 'rational' parts of the brain then listen in to these bodily responses to find out what the 'emotional' parts of the brain are doing. This allows both logic and emotion to shape our choices." Dunn said better understanding of the link between the body and the mind might eventually help people who struggle with depression and anxiety.

For more information on the heart check out the American Heart Association's website.

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