Lunch was conducted on the north capitol grounds and began with an address by and photo-op with Representative Mark Strama. The Murchison Elementary “Hot Shots” Jump Rope For Heart Team performed their routine for capitol staff and visitors alike.
That afternoon legislative visits were conducted and over 60 offices were hit. Every member sitting on either a House or Senate education or health committee was targeted and covered. Additional drop-bys were done by youngsters eager keep going. One group was able to meet directly with Smoke-Free Texas bill author Myra Crownover. Another group got to personally meet with Diane Patrick who authored the trans fats bill.
All in all it was a highly successful day for AHA and our mission. I believe it helped Smoke-Free Texas retain some momentum it accumulated last week and gave a good spark to the Trans-Fat bill that was less than a week old. It also provided a great learning experience for the youth involved and gave many of them their first taste of civic involvement.
Hopefully the rest of the team can fill in the gaps I may have missed and provide personal stories about their experience.
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